I help people & ​organizations ​get unstuck

Spark Your Creativity, Ignite Your ​Resolve, Make Your Dream a Reality

Hi, I’m Craig Johnson

I help unlock the potential of businesses and leaders who ​want to do meaningful work and make the world a better ​place.

I do this primarily through keynote speaking, corporate ​training and events, facilitating masterminds & strategic ​operations designed to take businesses and leaders from ​where they are to where they want to be.

How I Can Help

Keynote Speaking & ​Workshops

  • Strategic Operations
  • Developing Team Culture & ​Structure
  • Creating a Memorable ​Customer Experience
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Corporate Training & ​Seminars

  • Lunch & Learns
  • Full or Half Day Seminars
  • In-House Corporate ​Workshops
  • Executive Offsites
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Leadership Coaching ​& Masterminds

  • Individual or Group ​Coaching
  • Facilitated Masterminds

View My Tedx Talk

I Can Connect the Dots ​for​ Your Organization...

I am a professional communicator ​& storyteller based in Nashville, ​TN. Stories are the language of ​the soul. They speak to us in ways ​that facts and figures do not. My ​job is to find great stories and tell ​them in ways that inspire action. ​My desire is to show how the ​worst parts of a story, the ​greatest challenges and biggest ​failures, can become the best ​parts.

© 2024 byCraigJohnson.com